Friday, March 23, 2012

Come To Me Music Project

Come To Me is a music project I didn't even think about until a few months ago. I woke up one night and couldn't go back to sleep because I felt the Lord wanted me to do something. He was giving me songs as I was dealing with the disaster that happened on 3/11 last year in Japan. I knew he wanted me to record them and use the project to share Jesus with many here in Sendai. I will be giving these out next month. This 6 song ep will also be available on most sites where music can be bought, itunes, cdbaby, etc. The money received will go to the disaster relief effort. Please be in prayer about this.

I want to thank Tara Jones for taking time out of a busy schedule to do the project's cover art and Jared Jones who helped me with computer issues during the recording process. I also want to thank Makoto Kanamaru, a friend and ministry partner here in Japan, for playing bass on the title track, "Come To Me". 

1 comment:

  1. Fantastic Kevin. You are being a good steward of the great gift that God has given to you.

    I am looking forward to listening to the songs.



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